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I am

{ Weishi .

-- th girl who loves Harry Potter & Twilight
• { C.Weishi - Stories~
Saturday, June 13, 2009 ' ♥
"Help will be given to those who ask for it" ~ Albus Dumbledore
;everything ended @; 10:48:00 PM

Fifty Third Post.
Okay, so sorry again for not posting so long.
Anyway, I am going to post about my week I think.
I forgot what I have been doing,, since I have been reading Twilight, New Moon, Eclipse & Breaking Dawn over and over again.
Okay, but then, I shall be posting soon again. I have been really really busy.
Oh, and look out for post #052, cause its about NACLI.
And today is [20th July] Hahahas!

{ C.Weishi --

Monday, June 1, 2009 ' ♥
"Help will be given to those who ask for it" ~ Albus Dumbledore
;everything ended @; 8:09:00 PM

Fifty-first Post.
Hello again! Finally, I am back from camp and this is my FIFTY-FIRST post.
Hahas,, let us close our eyes and look back at my beautiful memories..
Okay, I am very lame, but I am super happy I am back from camp.
So, in this post, I will post my Mid Year Examinations results and about the Student Leaders Camp and what happened today.
I apologise, but I have not been seeing any stars in Jurong Point for the time being, so hopefully, I will soon. =X
And anyway, student leaders camp was super slack at first, not like I had expected.
Then, after that, at the last day when all the CCA leaders went home already, it was very strict.
I know you people are confused as to what I am talking about, so I am going to elaborate later, after my Mid Year results and about today! Hehe..

Okay, Iam not proud of this at all, but I still wanna post it, as a piece of my memory~ Hehe..

Class position: 7/39
Level position: 56/198 [Second best class =(]
Total: 606.5/900 (67.4%)

English: 71.9% A2
Chinese: 67.9% B3
Maths: 77% A1
Science: 68.6% B3
Geog: 65.6% B3
History: 69% B3
Lit: 61.5% B4
Art: 60.5% B4
HomeEc: 64.5 B4

L1R5: 15 -- Super lousy,, I hate strongly dislike this!

Anyway, whats done is done, it cannot be undone, so I shall and MUST work harder.
Not satisfied with this lousy results. =(
I dropped drastically, from 3rd in whole level to 25th in whole level and to 56th in whole level.

Anyway, now its happy time!
TODAY! Hehe..

So, I woke up at 8am, then I slept again, then I woke up at 10am.
Afterwhich, I spend my time watching some dramas and then time flies!
It was already 11.30am, then I proceeded to change and go to Jurong Point library to complete my homework.
And I went to eat 2 cups of Regular Natural flavour + Fruity Pebbles Yami Yogurt.
It tastes so good! 2 Cups some more!
And then, I forgot to mention that I cut bangs!
Okay, this is me:

Anyway, I LOVE IT!
Then, I went to the library and did some math.
And I went to the bus interchange to meet Sharnie LeeXin!
Hahas, the CHIO ONE!
So, we walked and then we saw Kimberley, Mandi & Celest, so we walked past them after hesistation, and they didnt recognise us because..
Hahas.. She see me cut then she also go cut!
And she look like an Egyptian princess! Very pretty!
Then, this is a picture of us in the toilet:

Sharnie LeeXin & ME! Hahas..

Another shot, a nicer picture of me. Hehe.. And Sharnie tying her hair~

Then, we went to the newly opened SAFRA!
We went into the Kids Amaze place and chose a seat to do our homework.
And guess what?
WE SAW MDM OH! and her son is very adorableadorableadorable!
Okay, so we completed some of our work and Sharnie ate Japanese food.
Here are some pictures:


This was taken in the toilet of SAFRA. Lets compare this with the one below:

Toilet of Jurong Point! Hahas.. And we didnt have bangs then~
So after that, we met up with my mother.
And we parted ways~
Hahas.. So I am here now, typing this super long post.
Then, now is time for SLC.
Its gonna be a short summary, because I lazy to type already. Hehe~

So, first two days was like fun fun fun, not strict at all.
And I simply loved the night walk, especially the egg game.
Whereby we have to pass the egg yolk without bursting it to our group members.
It was fun, and my group IC, Nadiah rubbed egg stuffs on Iyadh's face!
Okay, then the third day was simply hell and nightmare.
The seniors were there, and they made us do pushup position for a v long time.
And I scrapped my knee and hands, which hurt alot. Of course I couldnt cry nor could I whine.
Otherwise, they will just pick on you, so I ren my tears until the end, I will tell you when, not yet!
Then, it was standbybunk.
Horrible. Simply Terrible.
It was like screaming here and there, some people cried, not me, I only teared, I didnt dare to cry.
And the physical pain inflicted us was unbearable, simply beastlike.
Hate, not strongly dislike, but hate.
So anyway, it was painful painful painful.
And pumping position in a classroom with ceremic floor, look at our knees and hands:

This is my knee, NOT MY BUTT. LOL.

Horrible right?
Anyway, our co-ordinator -- Agnes&Hisyam, did pumping position with us.
And I was really hurt and touched.
Like, I didnt lead much in SLC, so I disappointed them, at the same time, I am touched, because they went through the physical pain together with Ahoyset!
So, after the scolding which lasted for 1hour 30minutes, I broke down, and so did others who did not cry during the stand by bunk, and I cried and cried.
It was unbearable.
I bawled my eyes out, and then, BREAK CAMP!
It was the happiest moment of my life!
Hahas,, just kidding.
But I simply hated SLC!
One particular senior, I hate her. She took out all our councillor badges and threw them in front of my co ordinator.
I could have crushed her there and then if she was not my senior.
After all, I still had to respect her.
And J'Me was even scolded because she hurt her back, what nonsense was that?
Anyway, I am done with SLC, but I doubt I will earn my tie.
I did not lead. I am not a leader. But I will lead the next time. I will be a leader.

Hahas.. I sound so emo. Anyway, thank you for reading this long post again! =D


Monday, May 25, 2009 ' ♥
"Help will be given to those who ask for it" ~ Albus Dumbledore
;everything ended @; 9:32:00 AM

Fiftieth Post.
Hello again!
Finally, I found the time to post on my blog.
And this is the FIFTIETH post! WOOOHOOO~
I will post about SLC at a later date, so now its quiz time.
Acknowledgement from Cheralyn!


1 ) What's your full name ?
ans : Chua Wei Shi. (Simple&Sweet&Hard to pronounce! =P)

2 ) Do you like your first name ?
ans : Erm, not really, but yes also. Chua is a very common surname, and not unique, but it is my identity and my pride, so I love it also. Aiya, I dont know what I am saying!

3 ) How long have you loved the person you currently love ?
ans : Haha,, 14 years? My family lah.

4 ) have you kissed someone in the last 48 hours ?
ans : Nope, unless you count my mother? .

5 ) Did you cry today ?
ans : No, but I did yesterday, during SLC. What? It was super strict.

6 ) What were you doing this morning at 8am ?
ans : Hmm.. I was designing various badges for various CCAs and classes. It is part of the interact club project. Hahas.. Freetime mah!

7 ) What where you doing an hour ago ?
ans : I was attending some briefing about the Asian Youth Games, I was involved in setting up a booth..

8 ) What are you currently doing ?
ans : I am actually in school, doing some quiz. But I am finished with it, so yea..

9 ) Who last texted you ?
ans : Mahhh--mie!

10 ) Have you told anybody that you love him/her today ?
ans : Actually, no.

11 ) Do you miss anyone now ?
ans : Yes, My grandmother. She is currently in Hawaii holiday'ing!

12 ) Any plans for tomorrow ?
ans : I shall attend my lessons, go to Jurong Point for CCA purposes and search for stars! =P

13 ) What was the reason behind the last time you cried ?
ans : The camp instructors were mean to my batchmate, my co-ords and me. These people were my dearly beloved! Haha..

14 ) Is there anyone you want to be with now ?
ans : Yes, my grandmother. I WANT TO GO TO HAWAII!

15 ) Have you kissed anyone with the name starting with C ?
ans : Yes, my father! Haha..

16 ) Name someone who made you smile today .
ans : Sharnie, Jinjin, J'Me, Agnes & Caroline!

17 ) Name a friend who's name starts with Z .

18 ) Which of your friends stay closest to you ?
ans : Erm, I think its Zhan Hong? He stays at the 7th floor while I live on the 12th floor.

19 ) Do you prefer to call or sms ?
ans : Sms, it is cheaper and more .. Entertaining?

20 ) Was yesterday better than today ?
ans : Definitely no, yesterday was SLC!

21 ) Can you live a day without your tv and phone ?
ans : Yes, I did during the camp for 3days!

22 ) Are you mad about anything now ?
ans : Nope, I am rarely mad.

23 ) Do you think that relationships are worth it ?
ans : Nope, I would rather spend my time with my friends!

24 ) Last person you visited in the hospital ?
ans : Hmm, when did I last visited the hospital?

25 ) When was your last and second last hug ?
ans : Yesterday, i think I sort of hugged everybody in my batch. So yeahh..

26 ) What does the last message in you inbox say ?
ans : I dont check my mails so often nowadays, so I dont know! =P

27 ) How do you feel about your life now ?
ans : My whole body is aching really bad, because of the physical torture yesterday. But overall, LIFE IS GOOD!

28 ) Do you hate anyone ?
ans : Nope, hate is a strong word, use strongly dislike.

29 ) Last person you called ?
ans : Mahh--Mie!~

30 ) Who usually sends you the most texts in a month ?
ans : Guess who? Mahh~Mie~

31 ) Is your room messy now ?
ans : Yah, really really messy, but I dont bother clearing the mess! =X

32 ) Who will be mad if your room is messy ?
ans : Mahh~mie. (Who else?)

33 ) Your shortest relationship ?
ans : Hahas.. 2 months! Iam not gonna elaborate~ =X

34 ) Who do you like ?
ans : Hm... I love everybody and I like everybody except a certain someone.

Hahas.. End of Quiz!
And thankyou for reading.
If you want to do this quiz, just do it! =P


Tuesday, May 19, 2009 ' ♥
"Help will be given to those who ask for it" ~ Albus Dumbledore
;everything ended @; 7:21:00 PM

Forty Ninth Entry.
Hello again!
I am super happy and hyper today, because I saw Terence Cao!
He super shuai, and I dont know why these days I keep seeing these actresses and actors in Jurong Point.
Is jurong Point becoming a hot spot?
And I noticed another thing, both stars I saw - Terence Cao & Dawn Yeo, went to the bank.
Hmm.. I dont know the reason either.
So anyway, today, we had our final and last exam, which was science, and I think I did horribly.
And then, after that I had to split myself into two and attend my CCA and a meeting with Mdm Oh.
So, I ended up attending my CCA first, and we were packing some food into plastic bags for the 'Food from the Heart' programme.
I have to admit it was quite enjoyable, but then after that I had to rush to meet Mdm Oh because we were already running late.
Then, we had to prepare for some filming.. We had to finish our filming of our news programme by Friday, so we only had 3 days and we had to go to school during our holidays!
So, I had to miss SLC preparation =( and go choose our news and type out the script and rehearse.
Then, after that we went to Jurong Point first, and guess what?
He is super shuai and so dashing.
Like actually we were at basement near NewYork NewYork restaurant, then we were walking.
Then suddenly, Sharnie was like nudging me, then she point point, then I look up and we saw TERENCE CAO!
He is so very shuai and tall and muscular.
And he wore a 'Kelvin & Klein' hat, white shirt up till the elbow and a long light brown pants.
Super attractive, oh, and he wore dark shades.
But he was quite recognisable, and he ate at Din Tai Feng.
And he is currently acting in the show "My School Daze".
So, to kill time, Sharnie and I went to the art shop and decorated an alphabet and finished up the script there.
After that, fearing that Terence Cao would leave, we left our bags at the place (The Auntie let us!) and went to have a look.
This was what he looked like from the level above..

Terence Cao is the one with the hat on the top left hand corner.

This is another view. Hehe..

This is also another view. Hehe..

Then, after that, we hid in Mini Toons while waiting for him to finish his dessert.
He took a super long time, but after that he left.
Only him alone, and he walked to the bank.
Then, me and Sharnie were like literally running to take a picture with him.
Hahas,, only to fail.
He walked to fast and we were shy, we didnt know how to open our mouths.
Then, after like 30 minutes hanging out in Mini Toons, they finally left and we followed them to Guardian.
In there, we waited and a sales girl approached us.
So I said:" We were looking for some pimple cream."
Hahas. That was so random.
And then they came out and Sharnie asked if we could take a picture with him.
It was so cool, and THANK YOU SHARNIE! =P
And then he was like pointing at my councillor badge in a cool way. Like a 'dashing' sign.
And said: " Wah councillor arh?"
Then, I was thinking, artistes never see councillor before? Both Dawn Yeo and Terence Cao were like amazed with the badge. =P Though I felt quite happy.. =)
So here are the pictures:

This is the dashing sign he used to point at my councillor badge. LOL. Though his hands looked much cooler! =P

This is Terence Cao and me! So shuai huh? Except that his hat and sunglasses were sort of extra! =X Sharnie took this photo, so credits to her, it was quite nice.

This is Sharnie and Terence. I took this picture, but the lady behind was quite extra. I was thinking of a half body shot. So sorry Sharnie, if I didnt get a good shot.

So, then after that, I was totally starstruck.
And I proceeded to the bus interchange with Sharnie, who came to my house.
By then it was already 4pm.
And Sharnie was a little bit irritated by me because I kept saying:" 他很帅 eh!".
Hahas... I can swear I said it 50 times?
And he was really very handsome, ohmy.
And Dawn is very pretty.
So hopefully, tomorrow I will get to see another star?
Or maybe next week, because judging by the patterns I see these two stars, it would be either once a week, or after every 3 days, or after 1 working day.
Hehe, so hopefully I will get to see another, though it does not match any of those observations that I mentioned.
So, Sharnie came to my house and search for the information for the film thing.
And then after that, she went home while I came back home and post this amazing post.
Ohmygosh, he is super handsome.
And SUPPORT TERENCE CAO AND DAWN YEO for next year's Star Awards! =D


Sunday, May 17, 2009 ' ♥
"Help will be given to those who ask for it" ~ Albus Dumbledore
;everything ended @; 10:57:00 PM

Forty Eighth Post.
Well, I was feeling bored today, so I decided to post some of my 'Makeovers' here.
Actually I went to watch 'Angels & Demons' just now with my family, and I really enjoyed it.
It was really thrilling and exciting and requires a lot of thinking since you need to try to understand and decipher some of the codings, but I really enjoyed the show.
And, here are my makeovers, comment, even though I look really wierd in them!
I have nothing to update about though, so sorry! =P

Hahas.. Short hair, hmm.. My mother and sister said short hair suited me more, though I cannot bear to part with it. And the second picture looked like more Japanese, kinda wierd! =P
Wierd. I have no other comments. Just wierd.

Yeah! I like the afro. LOL. Though I wouldnt actually try it.

Hahas.. No comments either.

Hahas.. This frame looked the best I think.

Hahas,, I have nothing else.
Just to pump up my blog atmosphere.
You may want to try it yourself at: http://taaz.com/
See you!


Friday, May 15, 2009 ' ♥
"Help will be given to those who ask for it" ~ Albus Dumbledore
;everything ended @; 8:15:00 PM

Forty Seventh Post.
Hello again! Finally, I have some time to update this pathetic blog.
And anyway, I will post on today and Mothers Day, and of course updates on my examination.
So, firstly, examination updates:

#01: Geography~ I think i did pretty well, though there were some mistakes here and there..
#02: History~ Hmm, quite well, I did study enough for it.
#03: English~ Definitely one of the best I have done so far!
#04: Literature~ Well, I wrote alot of crap, but I think I can pass, around B3?
#05: Chinese~ Overall, I think I did pretty well, except for the composition..

Well, this is all for now. So then, Mothers Day!
I had been shopping around Jurong Point for the few days just to get mothers day presents for all the mothers, including my granny, and I bought her a bag, which I thought she might like.
And I bought a bear, and a mug for my mother. A necklace came with the bear! =)

This is my mothers day present for my mum, and the card and the bear. Hehe..
Then, I bought some flowers and made some cards for them..
The flowers all read : Happy Mothers Day on the banner that the leaves are holding..

Flower + Card!

LOL. This is me, drawing the card, but then hey, girls are girls right?

So then, we had lunch outside at Jurong Point.
It was delicious and I loved the vegetables. Its sorta rare, so my mother was happy.
This is the spread that we had:

Mantou + Sweet & Sour Pork + Duck + Spinach + Tofu

Lotus Seed soup + Spinach + Sweet & Sour pork + Mantou + Duck + Tofu! Yummy!

And the mantou was the size our my palm! Though it was simply delicious.
Then, we proceeded home for a dinner with our relatives.
We had steamboat and steamed crab!
Super yummy, and I ate like almost half of a crab! (I love the pincers!)
Here is a family photo taken on Chinese New Year..

They were 'lou'ing yusheng..
Then, after that, they went back and I think I immediately went back to sleep?
It was such a long day.
TODAY! - One of my best days ever~
So, today, we had geography and Higher mother tongue paper.
Which I had to admit was quite difficult, but I think I would manage to scrap a pass.
Then, we had a short student leader camp preparation.
Sharnie had to wait for me because I had extra councillor meeting after that.
In the end, she went to Jurong Point first and I met her later.
So, we sorta took alot of pictures in the toilet. DONT LAUGH!
And here they are...
Me and Sharnie~

Me & Sharnie again!

So after that, we had Yami Yogurt, natural flavour, and peach, but not today.
Then, we slacked there, and we walked around Jurong Point.
So, we followed her, and we were trying to decide if we want to take a picture with her.
And she was very tall.
And she was simply gorgeous and we stared at her like gold fish out of water.
Our mouths were literally open wide, and we totally stood there like dumb people.
And I think she was sort of freaked out, because we kept looking at her and trying to take sneaky pictures of her. Hehe..
So here is a picture of her I got when she was in the bank:

Dawn Yeoh is at the top right hand corner. Sorry I could not take a clearer picture, she kept looking at our direction! =X I almost thought she would sue us or something.

Then, Sharnie's friend, Vanessa, ended up helping us to ask her to take a picture with her.
Thankyou Vanessa!
And then, we took together:
I look sort of retarded, like my smile is lopsided and she look so perfect as well as sharnie.
Sighs, if only I got her phone number! =X

So this is us, with Dawn Yeoh, and she wore this totally cute dress! And she asked us like in chinese: You sure you got the right person?

And she sounded so sweet, her voice is like so cute.
And I think she was with her mother? I am not very sure.
But nobody actually noticed her, are they blind?
Maybe we are just starstruck.
I still cant get over the fact that I met her! ARGH!
And she saw my councillor badge and said: Wah! Councillor arh!
Then I totally blushed, and I just replied ya, dumbly.
And, I simply love the movie in which she acted as a blind girl. WHOOPS!
So anyway, she signed Sharnie's revision exercise book:

Isnt it sweet? If only I had gotten out my book too..
And I finally met one famous actress!
Still have many more to go, the other guy, who is a favourite artist of mine, I took a picture with him.
He is Einstein.
And he totally rocks!
He used to be my art teacher when I was primary one and two and I attended a course held at Marina Square with my sister.
Hahas, and I still remember we did crazy art work like drawing on our tees and creating christmas pop-out scenes..
I took this picture when he came to Shuqun Primary and I was lucky enough to catch him.
He is just so cool!
This him, super tall, obviously taller than I am.
Okay, so until now, I still havent got over the fact that I met Dawn Teoh, and hopefully, I can see her again at Jurong Point.
Now I am on a mission to look for stars in shopping malls!
Seriously. I am not kidding.
I once took picture with Pornsak when I was in primary 6 and I went to the donut place whereby they were shooting a food programme.
Me and my friends participated, but it was not on air.
And there were two other handsome guys, but unfortunately, I lost the photos! =(
But if I managed to find them, I will post it here on my blog.
And I took a picture with Darren before, from campus superstar.
I was at my friend, Vanessa Teo's house, and Darren happened to be working out at the gym in the condominium.
So we went to bug him and took a picture with him.
You may not recognise me, because I was still young then, around primary 5.
Okay, I experienced some technical problems, so I shall post it in the next post.
And then, both Sharnie and I went home, after a crazy day.
Oh, and I kept electrocuting her and I sort of got shocked by the metal shelf in popular.
And then we went home after that.
So, now, I was kind of bored, so I made two photos of me with two different hairstyles.
Which one do you think suits me more, though I look wierd in both?

Me with bangs? LOL. Weird.

Me with wavy hair, but not really well done though.
So now, after uploading photos and everything, it is 12.30am.
So I shall go into my room and read Breaking Dawn again!
So see you later, or tomorrow to be exact.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009 ' ♥
"Help will be given to those who ask for it" ~ Albus Dumbledore
;everything ended @; 4:19:00 PM

Forty Sixth Post.
Finally, I found time and energy and excitement to revive my dead blog.
Well, Mid Year is coming, so i wish everybody GOODLUCK! and JIAYOUS^^
You must do well, aim high and do your best!

And anyway, I am going to update you about my blog.
First, as you have noticed, I changed my link again, because I feel like changing:

Secondly, I changed my relationship status, Iam single again!
Which I find more free and better , hahaas..
So yeah, but I am still unavailable. =X

Thirdly, one of my resolution is complete, which is to pass 2.4km run this year.
I got 17++ minutes, which is either a E or D grade.
If it is a D grade, then I will get silver, but anyway, I passed!

Forthly, I have a educational blog : http://learn-on9.blogspot.com/
Do visit, for the sake of your examinations!

And then I will be posting very rarely, because I am busy studying and I want to concentrate on my studies for now. So I will post more often during the June holidays, so check back often! =)


Sunday, April 5, 2009 ' ♥
"Help will be given to those who ask for it" ~ Albus Dumbledore
;everything ended @; 10:50:00 PM

Forty Fifth Post.
Finally I found the time to update my almost-dead blog.
Hahahas.. I am going to update about my Interactive-Day Camp yesterday, and about today.
So let us start with yesterday [5th April '09], the most memorable day in my entire 13years of life!


I woke up at 5.30 am, and changed and everything.
And prepared for 'sao mu', I dont know what is it in English. Its something like praying to our ancestors and paying them respect.
So I went to the McDonalds near school and say AHOYSET there! I <3>
Then, I talked to ShuLin and clarified some doubts about reporting.
I ordered Big Breakfast and finished it within 20 minutes.
By then, ahoyset was already walking back to jurong secondary.
I miss them already then!
Then, me and my father went to Sheng Siong to purchase some bananas and other materials.
Then, we went home to pick up the rest of my family and we went together to Choa Chu Kang.
As usual, I slept in the car, because I was just too tired.
I had to meet up with the suppliers, together with Sharnie, Xueling and Jinjin, for CCA.
Anyway, I went back at 10am, changed then took bus 154 to Jurong secondary.
I saw Daron (Vice president of 25th SC) and Bryant (PMT of 25th SC) in the bus.
Then I saw Ginnie and Ying Jun at the school bus stop, they had dance.
Then, I saw Xue Jing, and I approached her. She was very kind and took me to the bunk to place my bag.
I was super nervous then.
I was like in a confused state of mind, would I need to greet every single person I see or what?
So anyway, I just followed and place my bag in class 3A.

This is a picture of AHOY SET! But Iw wasnt there at that time,, so dont bother to look for me.

Then, I proceeded to the canteen and lined up.
It was quite hmm,, confusing?
After that, we had Water Parade and had to learn the Water Cheer.
I forgot the tune already! =X
So anyway, after that we played some games, which involved alot of teamwork and everything. The usual stuffs. =P
Then, I got an item which I had to report during reporting,, reporting is not so fun. LOL.
I didnt really like reporting then.
And my item was very dangerous, 3 green beans. If it went missing, Id die! =P

This is my group, with Weikang, Syazana, Caroline holding the blue bear, me and Huda!

This is my item, the three green beans, representing Shalini, Shu Hui and Aziz.

Then, we had lunch, it tasted quite nice, even though I could not finish it.
After that, there were more games, and the most enjoyable part arrived.
We played water balloons!
Everybody got wet, and I was made the target, so I was blindfolded, and I was of course wettest.
Then, we went to change and while returning to the canteen, I was 'kidnapped' by Xiang Rong.
Hahas,, at first, I did not know that he was kidnapping me.
We were just chatting and he brought me to the pulse studio.
Then, he told me that this was part of the game and that my instructors knew that I was there, so I hid that.
After a very long time, I was found by Sean, Wei Kang and Aravind.
Then, I realised that my instructors actually didnt know I was at the pulse studio and was worried sick about me.
Only Dingfeng and I were chosen, maybe it was because we were gullible and tiny?
So anyway, we returned and Shirmaine cried, because she was worried.
And I cried too, because I felt guilty for making my instructors and batchmates worry, so SORRY!
And thankyou all those who comforted me, especially Jasmine.

After that, it was the prize presentation, and I won the 'Best Improved Camper'.
It was a pleasant surprise! And I was happy too, although I didnt think I deserved it that much.
This was my my prize:

That is the AHOYSET plastic bag which contained Pocky, Oreo and M&M. Simply wonderful!

So, I went home, after eating KFC with the other batchmates, then I slept almost immediately after finish my snacks! ^^


I woke up early in the morning and went to Ting Yee's house to prepare for Home Economics practical examinations.
So, we prepare prepare prepare, and basically, we cooked Vegetables + Prawns + Mushroom dish, and Crabmeat wrapped with Egg, and Lotus Seed Soup.
Here are the pictures, except the Lotus Seed Soup, which I didnt manage to take a nice photo.

Vegetables + Mushroom + Prawn dish. Yummy Yummy Yummy!!! =)

This it the Crabmeat wrapped with Egg dish. Yummy Yummy Yummy! =)

After cooking, I went to Jurong Point with my father and mother and purchased some delicious bread for breakfast the following morning. I bought the food from Four Leaves.
Then, I went home and played computer and slept. =)
This is the snacks..

And sorry for posting this post so late! Hehe..


Tuesday, March 17, 2009 ' ♥
"Help will be given to those who ask for it" ~ Albus Dumbledore
;everything ended @; 10:49:00 PM

Forty Forth post.
Sorry again for not posting so long!
My blog is literally d-e-a-d.
Anyway, I shall skip skip skip, until Saturday, which was an eventful day.
And of course, I shall blog about the days that I think is more colourful lah! =P
Well, these few days I was quite emo and moody, but Saturday lightened up my day!
So let us start...


So today is Nanhua primary school's fundraising funfair.
So I went there with Shuyu!
And I took some pictures.
It is like every class set up a booth, it can either sell drinks, or host games.
I enjoyed the basketball hoop game, and I ate nachos and popcorns and drank green tea! =P
I remembered! WHOOHOO!
Maybe I should recommend this to Shuqun primary.
It is quite fun, I think Shuqun primary school already have, but it is called: ICE festival.
This stands for: Innovative, Creativity & Enterprise!
Anyway, here are some pictures:

This is the bouncy bouncy thing in the middle of the parade square. As you can see, Nanhua primary is quite rich! =X

This is a dunking game, whereby the students will throw a ball and hit a bullseye. When it hits it, the teacher / principal / person sitting on a platform on the water will drop into the water! Something like that, you get the main idea though?

And then, after walking around and playing games, me and Shuyu were quite exhausted, so we sat under the stairs and rested.
We just sat there chatting about random things and catching up.
Then, shuyu asked me to pass her sister something, so I got up and guess what?
It was painful~
Then, I hate a bump on my head, I still do!
And its still swollen, but better.
So, I hope it will recover soon, and curse that metal bar! =P
So while eating my hot dog bun, I dropped the sausage TWICE on the floor, and the lettuce on my thighs! Here is a picture:

And then, some students approached us and gave us some popcorn coupons:
And then, we just slacked there.
I bought some stationery gifts for gift of reading though! =)

This is a random picture of guess who? =X

And my junior named Suxian, bought this cute elmo balloon for $20! Can you imagine?!

So, after the fundraising event, I went to Shuyu's house to get the court shoes.
And I wore it, and I changed at home into my smart suit, and met the other councillors at Jurong East MRT station.
Everybody was wearing the same smart uniform.
So, we went to Republic Polytechnic together, which was a 45 minutes journey.
And along the way, I saw Sandy and Zhoubo and their gang! =)
Then, Huachong and I were helping out at the reception table, together with Mdm Hariani, who is the form teacher of 1-1'09!
And then, I had to run to the other side to help, and I was wearing heels, so I have some minor blisters.
But hey, do we girls have a choice? =P
Anyways, then I slipped TWICE and in front of the public, luckily very little people saw.
So, basically, we just sat at the reception table and help!
But we did not get to watch the concert AT ALL!
And I am kind of sad. But, at least I got to help at such a major event!
Bytheway, the event is called : My song, my video, my story. [Something like that! ] Cultural Night!
It was memorable and a great experience! =)

This is a family portrait, with me at the furthest left, followed by my sister, and my dad and my mum and my granny! =) I love this photo. Credits to Shuyu, the photographer! =)

And this is Agnes! She performed at the Cultural night concert!

This is Ginnie! She also performed in the Cultural night. Both she and agnes are from Dance!

And of course, we will get hungry, hence, they have some food, so I ate alot. I ate two plates of beehoon, 1 slice of marble cake, and 2 spring rolls I think! =P

So after everything, I reached home at 11.15pm.
And then, I bathed and went to sleep.
I did not even have the energy to read New Moon! =(
And I dreamt of me in that smart suit again, ushering at another event! =P


I woke up quite late today, because I slept quite late the previous day.
Then, my head still hurt from that bump on my head, and my legs is sore from wearing the court shoes, and my whole body ached!
So basically, I am aching all over! =(
So, since I only woke up at 1+ , and my sister, dad and mum went to visit my grandparents, I was alone at home with my granny and my maid.
And I was bored, so I decided to try out the pancake that I made in school before.
It was quite a success, and it was MUCH MUCH MUCH nicer than the one i made in school.
And I made banana flavour, maybe I will try ham and cheese next! =P
Interested, just approach me!

This is the place were I made the pancakes!

This is my finished pancake! There are 17 of them! =D
Then, the rest of the day went pass quite quickly, I spent my afternoon changing my blogskin! =)
And I ate dinner, and went to sleep quite early.
And I still have not started on my holiday homework! =X

Today is the day when I am going to go out with Shuyu and Jolene!
And Jolene was late, so we did not wait and just proceeded to Vivo City.
Then, me and Shuyu watched the 11.10am show of Marley and Me.
It was very touching and we both cried!
Then, we called Jolene, she thought we went to East Coast park, so she did not join us.
And she woke up very late anyway.
So the PageONE was having a book sale, and I saw this very unique Family Tree Book, so I decided to buy it.
It costs $20 ++.
I want to record down my family stuffs, and let my descendants see, so I bought it.
I shall show you the picture of it next time! =)
Then, we went home, I took bus 30 home and slept in the bus for 1 hour.
But luckily, I woke up on time!
Then, I ate dinner and slacked on the computer and slept after reading New Moon! =)
Okay, today, I met up with Nadrah and Qiwei to finalise and plan for this coming Friday for the Gift of Reading.
It is the last session, and we want to make this as memorable as possible.
So we planned from 12pm until 5pm.
It went quite smoothly, and we are giving out goodie bags and certificates of participation!
Cool huh?!
Then, I shall not elaborate.
And I received some shocking news!
And then, I went to Jurong Lake Park with my cousin Ewan.
His blog is: http://yow-ewan.blogspot.com/
I helped him made the blog!
Okay, anyway, I went there and took some beautiful pictures.
And I emo'ed on the swings.
And then we climbed the spider web.
There were a group of IMMATURE and CHILDISH children who started bouncing the spider web, and I sort of scolded them.
And we went home for dinner after that.
And I have been online ever since! =)
Here are the pictures:

This is oil pollution on the sand, it is actually shiny and colourful?! =.=

I kind of like this photo, it is like a reflection. Except this is just a small puddle of water!
Same as the last~

This is my adorable Ewan! =) He climbed very high this time! Good job! =)

This is both of us, not very clear though. Sorry!
So, this is the end. And now, here are some photos of AHOYSET! <3

Huge family portrait!

Amanda and Agnes and me and Huda and Syafiqah! =P

Iyadh, and Steifan, and me and Septimo, and Syafiqah, and Huda, and Peiling, and Caroline, and Jiatong! =P Hahahas.. We are family! =D

Finally, I finished this post.
So goodnight!
And I will try to update soon! =)